33. Americký pohár začne 8.února 2010, konečně...
09.04.2009 22:30Po vleklých sporech mezi Alingy a BMW Oracle dal soud za pravdu druhemu jmenovanému. Vzhledem k tomu, ze se tyto týmy nebyli schopny domluvit na multichalenge systemu, tak se pojede podle původního protokolu Deed of Gift. Zde je specifikovaná trať a omezení pro design - 90 stop jednostežník, nebo 110 stop dvoustěžník. Z toho je jasné, že rozhodně uvidíme souboj dvou obřích trimaranu či katamaranu. Ostatně, BMW Oracle už od srpna testuje svůj 90 stopý trimaran a chystá stavbu nové verze. S čim přijde Alingy, to ukáže až čas.
Naštěstí oba tými také prohlasili, že 34. ročník bude v každém případě Multichalenge...
Celý článek z https://valenciasailing.blogspot.com/ :
It didn't take long for the NY Supreme Court to issue an order after the decision taken by the Court of Appeals, just a short five days.
The Court of appeals decided on April the 2nd that the CNEV was indeed an invalid yacht club to challenge for the America's Cup and on April the 7th, Justice Cahn's order was reinstated. The America's Cup match will take place in ten months time, unless that day is a Sunday. Since the 7 February 2010 is indeed a Sunday, the date for the 33rd America's Cup match is set to be 8 February 2010.
Justice Cahn in his initial decision had ordered "that the location of the match shall be in Valencia, Spain or any other location selected by SNG, provided SNG notify GGYC in writing not less than six months in advance of the date for the first challenge race of the location it has selected for the challenge match races".
As a result, Alinghi will have the liberty to hold the match in any location it sees fit, regardless of the hemisphere restriction in the Deed of Gift. The Swiss have repeatedly argued that a winter date would have obliged them to hold the match in the southern hemisphere, something they are not fond of since they are a European yacht club.
If the Challenger of Record and the Defender fail to reach an agreement on the format and dates of the match, the racing calendar will be as follows:
Monday, February 8th: 40 miles windward leeward (20 miles windward and return)
Wednesday, February 10th: 39 mile equilateral triangle (13 miles on each of the three legs).
Friday, February 12th (if necessary): 40 miles windward leeward (20 miles windward and return)
The obvious question now is to see where the match will take place. Ernesto Bertarelli has stated various times that his intention is to hold it in Valencia while on the other hand the city's and region's authorities will do whatever they can to convince Alinghi's owner. In any case, one thing is for sure, BMW Oracle's monster trimaran will come to Valencia this summer. Tom Ehman, GGYC's spokesman, had stated last December the 90ft trimaran would come to Valencia if his team won the legal case, something he confirmed again today when we contacted him.